Membership in the Vikings is by invitation and sponsorship. A new Viking applicant is sponsored by a Viking in good standing. The Sponsor is responsible for the new applicant’s active committee participation as well as other Viking events during the first year of Membership. All Vikings participate in special events throughout the year.
New Member applications are given to the Membership Committee for processing. The applicant is informed of the Vikings goals and what is expected of new Members. Applicants must attend at least two Viking functions per year, one must be a regular meeting. Members of the Membership Committee typically meet each new applicant during these functions to get acquainted.
New Vikings are asked serve on at least one committee their first year (committee assignments are made by the Chief). New Vikings pack Christmas food boxes and serve as volunteers at the annual children’s Christmas party: all Vikings are required to purchase at least one or more Christmas baskets each year. These are the yearly Membership dues. Vikings meet monthly at Tony P's) in Marina del Rey.
The Membership Committee then recommends acceptance of new applicants to the Chief for final approval. Typically, initiation of new Vikings is held quarterly. Announcements are made to all Vikings as to the time and date of the meeting when new Vikings will be formally initiated.
New Member applications are given to the Membership Committee for processing. The applicant is informed of the Vikings goals and what is expected of new Members. Applicants must attend at least two Viking functions per year, one must be a regular meeting. Members of the Membership Committee typically meet each new applicant during these functions to get acquainted.
New Vikings are asked serve on at least one committee their first year (committee assignments are made by the Chief). New Vikings pack Christmas food boxes and serve as volunteers at the annual children’s Christmas party: all Vikings are required to purchase at least one or more Christmas baskets each year. These are the yearly Membership dues. Vikings meet monthly at Tony P's) in Marina del Rey.
The Membership Committee then recommends acceptance of new applicants to the Chief for final approval. Typically, initiation of new Vikings is held quarterly. Announcements are made to all Vikings as to the time and date of the meeting when new Vikings will be formally initiated.